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PETITION UPDATE: Response from the Minister for Industry and Science [Pending]

In a bid to raise awareness and support for Australian Owned businesses in the face of increasing competition from foreign-owned brands in supermarkets, Australian Owned recently hosted the unfairest cricket match ever played.  The Australian Owned team, captained by Glenn McGrath, played against the Foreign Owned team to highlight the disadvantages that Australian-owned businesses face in the market and the need for greater support.  The event was a huge success, with a strong turnout from the local business community and passionate support for the Australian Owned team.  

To continue the efforts, Australian Owned filed a petition calling for support from the public, with the hope that this event and the petition will bring greater awareness to the issue and lead to positive change for Australian Owned businesses.

After careful consideration, the petition was deemed to meet all requirements and was presented to the House on 6 February 2023.  The petition has since been referred to the Minister for Industry and Science.  As per the petition requirements, the Minister has 90 days to respond to the petition from the date of presentation in the House.

The petition filed by Australian Owned is a step forward in advocating for the Australian Owned community and supporting locally-owned businesses. It is hoped that the petition will bring greater awareness to the issue and lead to positive change for Australian Owned businesses. The response from the Minister for Industry and Science within 90 days will be eagerly awaited by the community.