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The importance of local manufacturing for the Australian economy cannot be overstated. Not only does it create jobs and generate income, but it also plays a crucial role in building a strong and sustainable economy.

Local manufacturing results in the creation of jobs, especially in regional and rural areas where job opportunities are often scarce. The more manufacturing that takes place in Australia, the more jobs will be created, boosting employment in these areas.

When goods are manufactured in Australia, the money spent on materials, labour, and other inputs stays within the country, helping to boost the economy and create a ripple effect that can be felt throughout the community.

Additionally, small and medium-sized businesses, known for being the backbone of the Australian economy play an important role in creating jobs and generating income, and local manufacturing allows these businesses to grow and thrive.

To ensure the continued growth and success of the manufacturing industry, the government should provide support through the introduction of policy to give Australian businesses a fair go, to help build a strong and sustainable economy for the future.

View our recent parliamentary petition here.

Australian Owned is the only trusted business certification service that ensures business and products are Australian owned and made.  The use of the award-winning Australian Owned Certified trademark (“logo”) for business evokes trust and confidence because it’s certified. No one can just slap the Australian Owned Certified logo on their marketing material or products.

We are passionate about Aussie dollars staying right here in Australia because when businesses are Aussie owned, profits stay here and are reinvested here, supporting Aussie jobs and growing the economy.  It’s as simple (and as important) as that.