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AO Identification Number: 4015

Entity Trading Name: Hampton Mining and Civil

ABN: 73 008 733 060

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Mining

AO Active Date: 7 December 2020

State: Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory

Hampton Mining and Civil is the mining division of Hampton Transport Services which is a privately held company with its Head Office in Kalgoorlie-Boulder. We are well versed in freight, ore haulage, earthmoving and ancillary operations in the Goldfields and other areas of Western Australia and the Northern Territory having operated in this business since 1977. The mining division of our business was established in 2003 and has grown into a complete open pit mining solution for clients throughout the Goldfields of Western Australia. These services include: - Project Management - Load and Haul - Drill and Blast - Crush and Screen - Material Handling - Earthmoving and Civil Services