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AO Identification Number: 08137

Entity Trading Name: Vets Central

ABN: 25 646 462 973

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Pet Products & Services

AO Active Date: 2 February 2023

State: National

Vets Central is the only veterinary group that is Australian owned certified and operated, establishing itself as a major force within the veterinary industry, by acquiring veterinary clinics with a ‘non-corporate’ approach. We are achieving this by respecting legacy, autonomy, existing branding and processes with support from our national Support Office. Our industry firsts include our ‘You’re Pawesome Retention/Equity’ program to our veterinarians as well as providing our vendors with a unique and fair ‘earn-out’ process! Led by an experienced team, our national support office, based in Queensland, focus on strengthening and improving practices through group synergies, team empowerment, training and development all whilst retaining autonomy at practice level.