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AO Identification Number: 05881

Entity Trading Name: Hardlight

ABN: 98 623 263 669

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Manufacturing

AO Active Date: 29 March 2021

State: Western Australia

Created out of frustration of the headlamp straps always becoming loose and then the rear battery pack would find its way to the top or the front of the hard hat. The same goes for the light it would also move to a location of its own and not where you need it. The old solution to this problem would be to glue the light and battery pack to the hard hat or in some cases drill holes in the hard hat to fix the light and battery pack. So with the creative help of Richard, of Develop It, we come to the design of the hardlight bracket. These were then 3D cad drawn and then 3D printed ready for infield testing. With the prototype being asked about very frequently it was from there the decision was made to go into production and Australia was where we wanted it to be made. Now Australian made and owned packed by the Active Foundation, Hardlight is the safe way to attach your headlamp to your hard hat.