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AO Identification Number: 4116

Entity Trading Name: Drilling Fluids

ABN: 64 168 855 990

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Manufacturing

AO Active Date: 7 December 2020

State: Western Australia

Mudex is a leading Australian manufacturer of premium drilling fluids to the Mining, Exploration, Water Well, HDD and Civil sectors. Since founding in 2014, Mudex has been innovating new drilling fluid products that continue to lead efficiencies within the industry. Mudex's capability continue to broaden with distributors established in three international locations. servicing key clients with the mining and civil sectors. Across the globe, Mudex is providing value-adding products to mining and drilling companies. In 2020 Mudex has four offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and the Head Office in Perth, and over ten distributors across Australia with a further six distributors internationally.