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AO Identification Number: 05593

Entity Trading Name: The Organic Tshirt

ABN: 93 469 063 893

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Manufacturing

AO Active Date: 12 February 2021

State: National

The Organic Tshirt is an Australian family business, located in Minto, south west of Sydney. When we founded our company in 2011, we set up principles for what we wanted our brand to be like: manufacture good quality & sustainable clothes in Australia. Local manufacturing helps to create sustainability in the fashion industry, which is good for our economy and our planet. A sustainable and ethical choice embraced by The Organic Tshirt is the use of 100% organic cotton. Why Organic Cotton is better? Organic cotton is grown without the use of pesticides and fertilisers. This prevents pollution and contamination of our planet. We buy our fabric from Australia and the yarn is imported and certified organic (GOTS). We feel retail and wholesale all around Australia.

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