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AO Identification Number: 05434

Entity Trading Name: Urban Sun

ABN: 52 628 163 995

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Retail Trade

AO Active Date: 12 January 2021

State: Queensland

We are a family run, certified Australian owned team from the Gold Coast, with a passion to help everyone enjoy a life with Essential Oils. During Covid lockdown in 2020, our Essential Oil diffusers were running pretty much in every room of the house while we had all of our family working from home. We either needed our oils to help us stay on the work at hand and not to be distracted by other things in the room, or we needed a little help to relax and deal with what was happening around us and the world. This time also made us sit and reevaluate where our lives were heading and what we wanted to do with them. We were already running a successful online lifestyle store and selling some beautiful products, but there was something missing. Essential Oils have always been in our lives and we wanted to add them into our store. We wanted a brand that was Australian, 100% pure and also affordable for all.