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AO Identification Number: 05433

Entity Trading Name: Compu-Stor

ABN: 26 009 232 624

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Other Services

AO Active Date: 12 January 2021

State: National, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory, ACT

Compu-Stor is a family owned Australian business specialising in information management. Established in 1987, Compu-Stor has grown and changed to offer a wide range of records management and digitisation solutions. Compu-Stor is the largest privately-owned information management company in Australia, offering end-to-end records management solutions. At Compu-Stor we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of evolving business trends and expanding our service offerings to meet changing customer needs, as well as technological innovation. This drive and passion can be seen in the way our services have evolved in our records management business over the years. The Compu-Stor story is one of change and innovation. We are driven to transform and reinvent ourselves as technology evolves, allowing our services to be far beyond simple scanning and storage.