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AO Identification Number: 08250

Entity Trading Name: Carbiz Accident Replacement Vehicles

ABN: 41 612 352 217

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Automotive

AO Active Date: 2 January 2024

State: National

Not At Fault Accident Replacement Vehicles Navigating the aftermath of a car mishap is both daunting and disconcerting. But even as the echoes of such unfortunate events linger, there's a solace to be found: not-at-fault accident replacement cars. Designed to support those caught in an accident through no fault of their own, this service offers a swift solution, ensuring that life's momentum remains unhindered. The crux of this service is grounded in a principle of fairness: if you haven’t caused the mishap, your daily rhythm shouldn't be disrupted. At Carbiz, we ensure you remain mobile. Our fleet, a testament to quality and versatility, stands ready for your needs while your vehicle undergoes repairs. Ranging from small compact hatches, large prestige sedans, 5 and 7-seater SUVs, Utes, Vans and Australia's first Electric Replacement cars. And as the ideal footnote, the costs associated with these replacement vehicles are usually borne by the insurance of the party at fault.

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