Business Logo

AO Identification Number: 08213

Entity Trading Name: CTO Industries

ABN: 41 632 200 830

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Automotive

AO Active Date: 22 August 2023

State: National

With over 20 years’ collective experience in the automotive and off-road industry, including developing and working in the US Trophy Truck scene, CTO is Australia's home of premium 4WD products with a focus on US trucks. We cater to those with a desire and need for the best brands and workmanship, families seeking reliability and comfort on their adventures, or people who are simply tired of the status quo. We only stock and sell products that we use on our own cars, such as King Shocks, KC Hilites, Raceline Wheels, ARB, Carbon Winch, Warn Winch, Yokohama Tires, Fox Shocks, Clearview Mirrors and more. Welcome to the Family. Build your adventure.