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AO Identification Number: 08198

Entity Trading Name: Virtupharma

ABN: 37 626 248 208

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Technology

AO Active Date: 10 July 2023

State: New South Wales

VirtuPharma is an Intelligent Digital Twin Platform that connects Teaching and Industrial laboratories. We build smart systems to shape collaborative and cooperative real-time lab-work between universities, remote students, and industries. Our mission is to improve resource utilisation and close equal access gaps to all cutting-edge laboratory settings. This is an Australian made innovation that will disrupt lab work pushing the boundaries between physical and digital scientific worlds. Technology holds International PCT patents in Australia, USA, EU and Singapore. We are proud of following Australian technology high standards and already collaborating with Scientific organisations, such as Thermoline Scientific and the University of Sydney. The founder is an Australian female scientist and the team is a group of Australian innovators and business leaders. Despite the International patents, we want our innovation to be recognised and exported as Australian made and built.