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AO Identification Number: 08030

Entity Trading Name: Campgrounds of Australia

ABN: 60 659 533 285

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Camping & Outdoors

AO Active Date: 1 June 2023

State: National

COA is a Not For Profit (NFP) Group of companies, which provide specific solutions to ensure the sustainability and longevity of the Camping, Outdoors and Accommodation industries in Australia. Each company has a common board of directors and each recognises the one parent company. The companies also have their own subsidiaries. With services ranging from group insurance schemes for caravan parks and farm stays, educational programs for caravan and motorhome owners, collective purchasing of land for vacationing families, off road vehicle recreation, mountain bike and horse back riding, land for tiny and manufactured housing, affordable housing solutions, and much more. Together, the COA NFP Group are a total solution for the camping, outdoors and accommodation industries in Australia.

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