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AO Identification Number: 08110

Entity Trading Name: McGregor Gourlay

ABN: 80 619 661 988

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing

AO Active Date: 20 September 2022

State: New South Wales

McGregor Gourlay is a dynamic and progressive privately-owned Australian agribusiness with branches located across the premier cotton, broad acre, sugar cane, horticulture and livestock regions of North West NSW, the NSW Northern Rivers, and the South West QLD Border Regions. Offering a highly customer focused approach, specialising in the areas of agricultural chemical, fertiliser, seed, agronomy services, rural merchandise, animal health, livestock, real estate and water equipment, our team works closely with our clients, whilst partnering with leading service providers, to offer a unique service of retail merchandise, agronomic and digital services, to ensure customers have what they need, when they need it. With a history of over 125 years of service, over 100 staff and 14 branches, McGregor Gourlay is at the forefront of agriculture, with an outstanding level of experience across a wide range of cropping environments, to assist our customers get the most out of their land

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