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AO Identification Number: 08107

Entity Trading Name: Massel Australia

ABN: 54 078 592 337

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Manufacturing

AO Active Date: 6 September 2022

State: National

Massel’s vision for the future has been through innovation from day one. From pioneering the ‘No added MSG’ concept with our first retail stock cubes to introducing nutritional tables years before they became mandatory, Massel have been leading the charge for healthier flavoring solutions since our genesis in 1982. Whilst flavour remains paramount, Massel’s innovations remain ahead of key trends e.g. Our entire range of products has been plant based for 40 years. Our many USPs ensure that we are suitable for all people, regardless of dietary restriction, religious belief or lifestyle choice. This uncompromising drive to develop consumer relevant products is the reason why a growing number of customers worldwide are using Massel products to deliver flavour solutions that facilitate the expansion of their ability to cater for an increasingly diverse consumer base. Massel is an Australian Based company that currently services over 30 countries worldwide including reg