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AO Identification Number: 08103

Entity Trading Name: Condor Energy

ABN: 35 153 250 670

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Mining

AO Active Date: 1 September 2022

State: National

In short, our aim is to provide technical engineering as well as services around drilling and the reservoir. Each of our experienced staff members takes a vested interest in the performance and efficiency of our clients. Our management team alone has over 100 years combined industry experience working with the world’s largest oilfield service companies. This depth of experience ensures we are able to optimise results and provide the utmost value for money. Committed to quality, we carefully select equipment that is of a high specification and possesses the latest innovation and technology. In addition, all equipment must be proven to withstand the harsh environments in which we operate. We are proud of the reputation that we have developed, and look forward to continuing to partner with new and existing clients, facilitating the safe and efficient development of energy resources.