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AO Identification Number: 08120

Entity Trading Name: Obadare Pty Ltd

ABN: 94 138 510 102

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Manufacturing

AO Active Date: 22 August 2022

State: National

API Certified Rig Manufacturing, Maintenance and Inspection Specialists. Our vision is to be the partner that the drilling and CSG industry turns to for innovative solutions, quality workmanship and the drilling, well servicing, rig equipment and infrastructure of the future. As a manufacturing company based in the oil, gas and resources sector, Obadare strategically aligned the business to the highest industry quality standards provided by the American Petroleum Institute (API). The Obadare quality management system is certified to API Q1 and ISO 9001 standards and we are licensed to API 4F Drilling and Well Service Structures and API 7-1 Rotary Drill Stem Elements. Obadare are the only company within Australia and New Zealand to hold the API 4F certification and monogram, which is a distinct market advantage.