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AO Identification Number: 05706

Entity Trading Name: BUBS IN ARMS PTY LTD

ABN: 56 654 167 816

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Manufacturing

AO Active Date: 14 March 2022

State: Queensland

Bubs In Arms Pty Ltd is a newly established Australian Company that is based on St Pauls, Moa Island in the Torres Strait. The Torres Strait is in the most northern part of Australia and St Pauls is situated dead centre of Australia and PBubs In Arms Pty Ltd is owned and operated by a female entraprenaur Susannah Sailor who is about to revolutionalise the breastfeeding world. Bubs In Arms Pty Ltd has developed a modern innovate product called the "Bubs In Arms Nursing Privacy Screen." Our product has been developed to "Empower breastfeeding mothers to enable them to maintain their liberty with confidence while being subtle when nursing their babies in public." The Nursing Privacy Screen light weight, compact, easy to use, just lift, clip and feed. Bubs In Arms is committed to protecting the privacy and emotional wellbeing of all breastfeeding mothers and their babies on a global scale by eliminating stress and stigma that surrounds breastfeeding in public.

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