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AO Identification Number: 07930

Entity Trading Name: The Bearded Hound

ABN: 27 631 234 480

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Pet Products & Services

AO Active Date: 10 December 2021

State: National

The Bearded Hound was founded with one goal in mind: to provide high quality, all natural dog treats at the best price. After researching canine nutrition I was horrified to discover what could pass as dog food and the misleading terms that could be used on labels. I was further disappointed to find that the majority of the treats readily available contain unnecessary and potentially harmful ingredients like salt and artificial flavours. A vast majority used imported ingredients and they all cost a fortune. I was determined to create products without the nasty stuff, using on local ingredients that are affordable for all pet owners. We make dehydrated treats and chews, biscuits and pupcakes. All of our products are handmade using natural ingredients from Australian growers and producers. All of our dehydrated products are single protein and our baked goods have as few ingredients as possible.