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AO Identification Number: 07168

Entity Trading Name: Triodia Group Pty Ltd

ABN: 98 646 296 862

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Other Services

AO Active Date: 2 June 2021

State: Western Australia

Triodia was established in early 2020 and is a family owned and operated company that is 100% Aboriginal owned. Our two directors (Terry Gordon and Ryan Gordon) are direct descendants of the Great Victorian Desert (GVD) and Mantjintjarra people and have connections to the Ngadju areas. Both directors are experienced in a wide range of operations in the Civil, Mining and Rail sector and are committed to supporting Community Development and Aboriginal Issues. As descendants of the GVD, Mantjintjarra and Ngadju areas, Triodia has committed to giving back a proportion of the profit generated from any contracts secured in the Great Victorian Desert and Goldfields through a trainee and apprenticeship program that provides work experience and opportunities for local Aboriginal communities.