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AO Identification Number: 07157

Entity Trading Name: Baby Origami Doublewrap™

ABN: 97 554 165 951

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Retail Trade

AO Active Date: 31 May 2021

State: New South Wales

What is the Baby Origami Doublewrap™........ Easy to use every time, it helps parents and all of us, to wrap our babies consistently. The only swaddling wrap your baby will need. The Doublewrap™ is one size, beautiful organic cotton & easy to care for. The Doublewrap™ is designed to guide parents and carers to wrap their baby the same way every time. The two layer design has a fixed inner layer to keep baby securely swaddled, minimising the effects of their ‘startle reflex.’ When your baby is wrapped securely for sleep they are more likely to settle into a dependable sleeping pattern that makes life peaceful for all.

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