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AO Identification Number: 05363

Entity Trading Name: Lauriate Pty Ltd

ABN: 42 636 916 320

AO Status: Approved

Entity Type: Other Services

AO Active Date: 18 December 2020

State: National, Western Australia

Lauriate Pty Ltd is a boutique consultancy practice focusing on the development of psychologically healthy workplaces. We focus on coaching & developing leaders and teams using scientifically validated approaches drawn from science and business. Our international partnerships enable us to deliver globally relevant tools and approaches to launch, sustain and sort out teams at all levels of the organisation. Our work is systemic and the tools measure critical conditions for team success, personality, team culture & communication dynamics. Our extended team is a network of experts in this area and includes Organisational Psychologists, Business Consultants & Coaches. We offer certifications and access to innovative tools sourced from the UK, US and Chechia as well as Australian made. Including Sociomapping for teams, HUCAMA Personality & Ability Factors and the Team Diagnostic Survey (6 Team Conditions).